Saturday, April 3, 2010

Dead Space 2 promises to be scary

In a recent interview with Patrick Kelpek of G4, Dead Space 2 producers talk about meeting with fans and reveal insight on the up coming game.

But I loved the most about the article was the producers promising that Dead Space 2 is going to "Scare you're pants off."

When asked to elaborate on earlier stories of Dead Space 2 moving more towards an action orientated game rather than the survival horror of the first game, the producers assured G4 that just because Issac will be slightly more capable with the Necromoph horrors, doesn't mean it's going to be any less scary.

Rich Briggs, one of the producers speaking with G4 had this to say:

"... we are still gonna be a horror game, yes, we are still Dead Space, we're gonna scare the pants off you as many times as we can, but Issac's been through this before, so he's a little bit more capable this time around, he's going to have some times where he can actually have an epic moment and it is like a rollercoaster ride. You're going to have those peaks and valleys with both the action and with both the scares and they're not mutually exclusive. You can have a high-octane moment that's also very, very scary. We're looking at a lot of different, sophisticated ways to bring both the action, the terror, and the horror together"

Read the full interview here.

I am super excited about this game, and can't wait to hear/ see more of it. In fact last night we had a game night over at a friends place and we played Dead Space 1 on this kick ass projector at like 3am in the morning.

Nothing like seeing a Necromorph's limbs splatter, while being projected across a bed room wall.

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